Teresa's Adventures


Teresa's Adventures
Along the Way
SCS Ride Info


            100% of your donation will go to research!

hmmm ... I bet you were expecting to read a fun bio. Well, we can always hope ;-)

For now ... How about a photo from the annual golf tournament. The club house was beautifully decorated with a Monte Carlo theme. As the dining room hostess, I also did my best to collect more pledges and boost the bidding. How about joining us next year?  www.scsnw.com

If I can squeeze in enough time, I might be able to add a little story. But, the real purpose of this site is to help raise money for Spinal Cord Society. So, my time and efforts need to be focused on fund raising, TRAINING and ... doing enough real work to maintain my business while I'm at it.

Ok ...here's the story ... I made it all the way to Portland!!

WHAT AN AMAZING RIDE!!!   The first day, we were in Centralia by 2:40. After a break, we rode another hour and a half!  Seemed like a great idea to make it easier for Sunday.

Yes, the bike is too small and no it was not adjusted to fit me. So, of course, there were a couple of hairy moments that got my heart rate even higher!! It's quite a blessing that I wasn't seriously injured.

Thank you for your interest in this adventure. I hope that you will donate ... often ;-) 
I'm providing incentives through monthly drawings, matching funds and more... PLEASE join in ;-)
100% of your donation will go to research!
Help me send $10,000 to find a cure for paralysis.



Please, help find a cure for paralysis.  EMAIL A DONATION.
Tax deductible donations may be mailed to:
SCSNW  c/o Teresa Hennig  18521 64th PL NE, Kenmore, WA 98028.

donation form and receipt.

If you would like more information or if you can help with gear or lodging, PLEASE contact me  SCSRide@DataDynamicsNW.com or 206-931-0541

Official SCSNW information for corporate matching funds.
Spinal Cord Society              Phone/Fax:  425-670-2622
P.O. Box 6092                      
Edmonds, WA 98026            501 C(3) 41-1358594

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Copyright 2006.   Hosted by Teresa and DataDynamicsNW.             This site was last updated 05/06/07